Crowd control and management are one of the important things that you should take care of while arranging a large gathering, event, or music concert. Accidents can happen at any time and a large group of people can panic which causes trouble and harms more people. It is the responsibility of the organisers to ensure the safety and security of all the attendees, VIPs, and the team. At this point, you can hire professional and well-trained security guards who excel in crowd control techniques and management strategies.

These security guards play an important role when it comes to the events and without hiring them, you can hurt a lot of people. They help you maintain decorum during the whole event by keeping a close eye on everyone. On the other hand access control is also an important thing to take care of.

Unsecured access points are one of the main reasons for increasing crime and accidents at the workplaces. Businesses take them for granted which provides intruders a chance to access your property and once an unauthorised person is in your business premises, they can cause harm to your property, assets, employees, customers, and more.

Before starting the blog and the roles of the security guards, if you are an event organiser looking for specialised security guards to take care of your events, you are in the right place. At Guard Mark Security, we have highly skilled security guards that can help protect your people, attendees, and VIPs. So, before discussing the role of security guards in crowd management, let’s first see what they are.

What Are the Crowd Control Security Guards?

A crowd control security guard is a professional and well-trained person who masters the crowd controlling techniques and management strategies. Businesses and event organisers hire them to provide an extra layer of defence for their attendees, VIPs, and all the other people attending the event. These kinds of specialised security guards are hired when organising a large event including a webinar, music concert, sporting event, etc. They keep a close eye on the crowd and maintain order for the sake of smooth execution. Some of the major roles of these security guards are to maintain order, manage crowds, remove toxic people, and respond to emergencies.

What are the Access Control Security Guards?

Access control security guards are also known as door supervisors. Most of the time, these kinds of security guards are being used by bars, clubs, pubs, and licenced restaurants. In simple words, you can say that it is mandatory for all businesses to have door supervisors serving alcohol. But when talking about crowd management and events organisation, businesses hire security guards to safeguard the access points. These security guards perform identity checks at entry points and ensure that only authorised persons can enter the event or property.

Role of Security Guard in Crowd Management

Pre-Event Planning

It is crucial to pre-plan all the things to reduce the risk of potential threats and vulnerabilities. There are two things that are critical in pre-event planning; risk assessment and emergency planning. These two are the most important things because conducting a comprehensive risk assessment tells us about the potential threats we may have to face during the event. So, with the help of a thorough risk assessment, we can prepare ourselves to face those challenges and threats with complete planning and strategies.

On the other hand, when talking about emergencies, it is important to have an emergency plan. Security guards develop a complete plan to take care of different emergencies including health emergencies, fire, security breaches, and evacuation plans. It is undeniable that during emergencies, people panic and start running which causes harm to everyone. So, to deal with such conditions, security guards already created a plan defining different scenarios.

At Guard Mark Security, our security guards go through extensive training and are excellent in event pre-planning. No matter if it’s risk assessment or emergency planning, we have got you covered in all aspects.

Monitoring and Surveillance

When talking about monitoring and surveillance, both the use of technology and physical patrolling are important. As we are living in the digitalised era, CCTV cameras have made our lives a lot easier. With the help of CCTV cameras, security guards can monitor a large group of people without any issues. Moreover, you can get help from drone cameras as well to check the security measures in the areas where it is hard to reach a person. Once you identify a potential threat, you can respond to the nearest unit or the local authorities without wasting any time.

Physical patrolling and security guard presence are also crucial at the venue. Visible security acts as a strong deterrent against any kind of potential threats and doesn’t allow troublemakers to access the property easily. Moreover, with the help of their skills and experience, they are capable of identifying potential threats in no time and eliminating them without causing disruption to the event.

If you’re looking for well-equipped and trained security guards that contain good knowledge of technology, Guard Mark Security is always here for you. Hire our security guards to enhance the security measures at your venue to ensure the safety and security of everyone.

Access Control

There are two main factors a security guard should take care of while managing the access points. First, ticket checking, and second, protection of entry and exit points. Security guards play a crucial role in securing the access points and ensuring to check both the tickets and identity for the sake of managing the event in the best manner. By checking the tickets and identity, security guards ensure that only authorised or invited people can enter the venue.

On the other hand, securing the entry and exit points are also crucial because these are the points from where the intruders or vandals will enter. Moreover, the security guards ensure the smooth flow of people and make sure no more than allowed people can enter to avoid congestion. At this point of the event, security guards collaborate with the management team to create a safe strategized route for the attendees to enter and exit. Moreover, this also helps in evacuating the place in emergencies.

Our security guards at Guard Mark Security play a vital role in the security of the access points. They are well-trained and experienced in identifying potential threats and eliminating them before they cause harm to anyone.

Event Security Guarding Services in the UK

If you are an event organiser and are looking for a professional and highly reputed company for securing your venues, Guard Mark Security is the one that can help you in the best manner. All our security guards are well-trained and have a wealth of knowledge to secure all sizes of events. No matter if you are organising a corporate event, music concert, or sporting event, we have got you covered in all aspects.

Contact us now for a smooth event execution. Our professional yet friendly customer support team is here 24/7 to answer all your queries.