Most people think that both bodyguards and security guards are the same and perform similar duties. But in actuality, there is a huge difference between both of them including their training, skills, job, responsibilities, payment, and more.

In this blog, we are going to cover the difference between both of them in the easiest and most understanding way to clear all your doubts. So, if you are one of those who don’t know the difference between bodyguards and security guards, read this blog to the end and it will help you clear all concepts.

What Is a Bodyguard?

A bodyguard is a skilled professional specialised in taking care of one person (individual). Bodyguards are also known as close protection officers due to the nature of their job. A bodyguard or a unit of bodyguards is appointed to take care of all the security things of a high-profile person. There can be various types of potential threats including stalkers, political attacks, assassination attempts, terrorists, and more. A bodyguard’s duty is to protect the client from all these threats and ensure safety and security in every possible way.

Duties of a Bodyguard

One of the core duties of a bodyguard is to protect the client. But, there are some other duties that are included in the job role of a bodyguard. Here are some of the major ones:

  • Bodyguards often drive the client’s vehicle and travel with them.
  • With the help of their training and expertise, they identify the potential threats and eliminate them before they do something bad.
  • They identify unauthorised persons and don’t let them come closer to the client.
  • Bodyguards are always well-lit and attend all kinds of business events with the client for security purposes.
  • They access the venue early and analyse everything before the client’s arrival.
  • Bodyguards keep a close eye on everyone and don’t let people get close to the client.

Difference between Bodyguard and Security Guard

We are aware of who bodyguards are and what their job responsibilities are. Now let’s discuss the difference between the bodyguard and the security guard for better understanding.

Protection Factor

When it comes to the protection factor about who both of them protect, there is a huge difference between both of them. As we have discussed earlier the job of the bodyguard is to protect a client or number of clients. On the other hand, the security guards also protect the people but they mainly are hired to provide security to business premises and organisation’s buildings. Security guards also keep a close eye on everyone entering or present in the building and act promptly in case of unusual behaviour.

Let’s understand it with an example; suppose you are a corporate business owner and you have hired a bodyguard. In this case, the person you have hired will be responsible for your security and will move along with you everywhere you go. On the other hand, if you have hired a security guard, he will remain present at the site and only be responsible for your security when you are present on the premises.

What They Are Allowed to Carry

When discussing the security guards, they carry the normal equipment required to perform their job including a torch, satellite phone, walkie-talkie, notepad, etc. On the other hand, the bodyguards are equipped with all the things mentioned above but also wear body armour or bulletproof jackets due to the dangerous nature of their work. However, due to the strict laws of the United Kingdom regarding firearms, both bodyguards and security guards are not allowed to carry the weapon for security purposes.

Licence Requirements

To work in the private security industry, every individual requires a licence issued by the Security Industry Authority (SIA). Both the security guards and bodyguards hold the SIA licence but the nature of their training is different. To become a bodyguard, you need to get the training for an SIA close protection licence. On the other hand, to become a security guard, you need to have SIA security guarding licence.

Which People Hire Bodyguards?

All the high-profile and famous people hire bodyguards for their protection. Here is a list of some people who must hire the professional and experienced bodyguards:

  • High-Profile Businessmen
  • Celebrities
  • Big Politicians
  • Government Officials
  • Wealthy People
  • And Other Famous People

In simple words, we can say that everyone who is famous or has a lot of money always hires bodyguards and can take them everywhere for security reasons.

Can a Woman Be a Bodyguard?

According to the UK’s law, both males and females can pursue a career in bodyguarding. However, due to the highly-risky nature of the job, this industry is dominated by men and only a few women are providing the services of bodyguarding.

Can I hire a Bodyguard?

Mainly the famous, rich, and high-profile people hire bodyguards due to having different threats. But, there is no restriction for anyone to hire a bodyguard for personal safety and defence. So, yes, you can hire a bodyguard for your security in the United Kingdom.

How Much Do Bodyguards Earn on Average in the UK?

The yearly income of professional and experienced bodyguards depends on the client they are working for. But, on average, a bodyguard in the United Kingdom makes £35,000 to £40,000 yearly.

Get the Ideal Security Services in the UK

No matter if you are looking for close protection officers for your personal security or security guard to protect your business premises and people, Guard Mark Security has got you covered in all aspects. We have been offering our security services in the UK for more than a decade and provide professional security guards and bodyguards to our clients. We have helped thousands of businesses and high-profile people enhance their security and businesses.

If you have any questions in mind, do contact us now. Our professional and expert team is here to address all your enquiries in the best manner. Hire the security personnel from Guard Mark Security and ensure your safety and protection all the time.